How Legal Services Can Help to Claim the Right Compensation
How the legal services of a personal injury lawyer can help to claim the right compensation for your injuries? Thousands of people get injured in the country every day. Some of them are injured on the job while some are injured in accidents. If you suffered injuries due to the actions of some other individual or company, you can claim compensation for the injuries caused to you and the medical expenses incurred. However, getting the compensation due to you is no cakewalk. You need all the help you can get, and this is where a personal injury lawyer comes into …Read More ➡
Guidance for Financial Freedom
How do bankruptcy attorneys simplify the legal process to reduce debts? Bankruptcy is a legal procedure through which you eliminate all of your due debts and start fresh with your finances. However, it may not be that easy for everyone to understand the legal nitty gritties of the court monitored process. That’s why, before you file bankruptcy you should consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. It’s the responsibility of an attorney to explain the bankruptcy laws to the troubled debtors and help them to take the right step. How will a bankruptcy attorney help to deal with the financial obligations? …Read More ➡
5 Tips to Remember when Speaking with Your Ex-Spouse
During the process of a divorce, there are natural changes to the relationship between you and your spouse and, many times, these changes are difficult to deal with. Those going through divorce commonly believe that once the divorce is final, any problems they may have had will be fixed, however, if children are involved, the most common issue divorcing couples run into is their ability to effectively communicate regarding alimony and/or visitation. Keeping a peaceful, consistent, and civil line of communication with your ex is essential for your child’s well-being. The following are a number of tips from an experienced …Read More ➡
Casona of Collingswood Closes
The beloved Cuban restaurant in Collingswood, NJ has had its run of bad luck for some time now and it has finally decided to close down. According to owner, Mark Infantado, the state and federal tax debts was the main cause for their struggle. Casona opened in 2006 and had employed twelve people. Before owning Casona, Infantado had a construction business, Temperature by Design, which is where he got the majority of his money for the restaurant. All was well until he fell in 2010 and was injured for six months. The maintenance was over his head by the time he …Read More ➡
One Thing You Can’t Say as a Judge
A New Jersey judge stepped down from his job due to a comment he said in court. Philip Maenza called a couple ‘tomatoes’ and the couple saw it as an Italian insult. Maenza claims he was referring to someone else in the courtroom and was only using the tomato comment as an analogy about divorce. According to New Jersey law there are a few ways litigants can seek to remove a judge or a judge can remove himself/herself from a case. A few reasons are because the judge is related to one of the parties, the judge has given an …Read More ➡
Lafayette Hotel in Trenton, NJ Files for Bankruptcy
One of the most well known hotels in Trenton, NJ is sadly in financial trouble, $25 million worth of trouble. The hotel opened in 2001 and has struggled to make a profit and pay the debt payments ($13.3 million) ever since. Lafayette filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which gives them a break from their creditors. Some of their creditors are Starbucks, DirectTV, USA Today and more. The largest being Wells Fargo Bank and the Trenton Parking Authority who overall are owed $21 million. The Lafayette Board was unable to find a lender before having to file for bankruptcy because they wanted payment …Read More ➡
Does a Cheating Heart Mean Divorce is Around the Corner?
Divorce is messy enough without adding the fact that your spouse committed adultery. The first thing you should do once the secret is out is to really think about your next step. Maybe you should take some time to heal before making any harsh decisions or maybe you know that divorce is the only option. Either way, take time to talk to your spouse and to think about the after effects. This is especially important if you have children. So let’s say you have thought things through and divorce is the answer. Now you need to determine your state laws. …Read More ➡
Small Businesses Near Bankruptcy from Government Shutdown
The government’s shutdown is effecting more people then you think. Small businesses like shops and kiosk owners have had a lot of trouble staying open due to national parks being closed as well. They depend on tourists to keep their business running. Many of these businesses are quickly approaching bankruptcy. According to NBC’s article, the national parks get 287 million visitors annually. That’s a lot of people, and October is one of the busiest months because the weather has cooled down from the summer heat but it’s not too cold to walk around. During the winter season the parks are …Read More ➡
NYC Opera is in Bankruptcy Trouble
The opera is a favorite past time for everyone, but what if the New York City Opera were to disappear? City Opera might be near its last performance unless it raises $7 million by the end of September. Furthermore, an additional $13 million must be raised for the 2014-2015 season. The company is 70 years old and has put on about 130 performances per season. Recently the performance amount has shrunk and so has the staff. City Opera is known for innovation and creativeness and it became the place for young performers to start their career. It really would be …Read More ➡
NJ Permanent Alimony
It looks like the alimony laws in New Jersey are soon to be changed. According to the Gnall v. Gnall court ruling, marriages over fifteen years lead to permanent alimony. Usually permanent alimony is given to marriages that last twenty to thirty years. As you can see, that is a huge difference in the amount of time together. Divorce rates are high today and 50% of marriages end in divorce. The stakes are high and this means that many more people will be forced into alimony for years. Charles Mainor is the bill sponsor for this law and is open …Read More ➡
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