The beloved Cuban restaurant in Collingswood, NJ has had its run of bad luck for some time now and it has finally decided to close down. According to owner, Mark Infantado, the state and federal tax debts was the main cause for their struggle. Casona opened in 2006 and had employed twelve people. Before owning Casona, Infantado had a construction business, Temperature by Design, which is where he got the majority of his money for the restaurant. All was well until he fell in 2010 and was injured for six months. The maintenance was over his head by the time he came back, but he and partner, Denise Pomarici, started hosting parties and catering. Shortly after that success, Infantado was having problems with his ankle again. He had another surgery and was out this time for eight months. By that time brunch, which was once very popular, died off and shortly after so did lunch. Then Sandy happened and Casona was closed for a week. It was one thing after another for this beloved Collingswood favorite. Local residents are sad to see it go but luckily Infantado plans to start back up with his old passion, construction. Read the rest of Infantado’s story online and learn more about Casona in Collingswood.

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