Unexpected and Rarely Spoken of “Benefits” of Divorce
While it is not often spoken of, there are perks or benefits to divorce when you have been unhappily married for some time. Although divorce is certainly never easy, even when both parties decide to amicably split, there are unexpected positives that come out of the experience that many don’t see due to the overwhelming feelings of sadness and regret that often come with divorce proceedings.
For each individual person, the unexpected upside will be its own unique journey. However, the following are a few common perks to getting through a divorce.
Better Understand of Appealing (and Unappealing) Attributes
While things not working out is generally seen as a negative, having a marriage that ultimately ended can be a lesson in disguise. The factors that led to the end of the marriage can be enlightening when it comes to choosing your next partner. With the wisdom you have gained from your divorce, you can now make better decisions in the future.
Recreate Your Own Image
When you have been married for a long time, chances are your sense of self has molded with your spouse. Further, with the routine of marriage, often people lose themselves in getting through the repetitive nature of domestic life. Now that your marriage has ended, you can reinvent yourself by picking up new hobbies or even as simple as once a week ordering in when you would have cooked, or picking up cooking since you have more time.
Better Health
There has been research that shows married people live longer but that only applies to those that are part of a happy marriage, not simply married. In fact, the stress that comes with an unhappy marriage can lead to compromised health. There has been research that has shown a link between heightened stress and an increase of health-related ailments. This may be why so many divorcees focus on their health after a divorce.
Increased Autonomy
From finances to how you spend your time, there is an increased sense of autonomy that comes from divorce. Whether you want to splurge on a gallon of ice cream that previously didn’t fit your agreed upon budget or decide to go out on a Sunday night that was always spent on television with your spouse, your life becomes your own again after divorce in both positive and negative ways.
If you are considering divorce, you could experience some of the positives but only if you have the right legal representation to make the divorce process easier. Contact our team today to find out how we can lessen the burden of the process off your shoulders.