Divorce Mediation – Helping You Through Tough Times
If you are currently facing the dissolution of your marriage, you have probably been receiving a great deal of advice and feedback from well-intentioned family members and friends. Though some will suggest that you hire an attorney who is a “shark” who will aggressively pursue your spouse in the interest of winning, others who have been through the process will likely suggest that divorce mediation is a better answer, and one that allows couples to take a more peacable and reasonable approach that preserves more of the marriage’s assets. Mediation has proven to be the better answer for many couples, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need an attorney. An experienced divorce mediation attorney from Reinherz Law Offices can be a valuable resource to you. We will provide you with the information and self-confidence that you need during the course of your negotiations, as well as help you with all of the required legal paperwork once you’ve reached an agreement.
The secret to a successful divorce mediation is for both spouses to feel the confidence to speak up for themselves about what is important to them. As long as each partner is comfortable with the process and has taken the time to fully inform themselves of their legal rights and options, the process can work very well. The best and easiest way to make sure that you are protecting yourself and are fully prepared before entering mediation is to consult with an attorney who will take the time to educate you about divorce law and what you are entitled to, as well as to give you helpful hints about negotiation and creative settlement ideas that are specific to your situation. Though many attorneys who are not familiar with divorce mediation prefer a more adversarial approach, the attorneys at Reinherz Law believe that there are a number of benefits to mediation.
Many people considering mediation express concern that one partner may dominate the other, particularly if this has been the pattern throughout their marriage. In a divorce mediation, it is the mediator’s job to ensure that there is no imbalance in the conversation, and that everything remains even, but it is not the mediator’s job to counsel either party. This is one of the reasons that it is important to have an attorney advising you through the process. A divorce mediation lawyer will be able to let you know if you are agreeing to something that represents a surrender of your legal rights. They can also make suggestions for resolution of nonlegal factors that could not be addressed in court. Negotiating the terms of your divorce on your own provides a good chance of getting exactly the agreement you want, without having to pay high legal fees or having to appear in court.
At Reinherz Law, we will provide you with the tools that you need to go into your divorce mediation with confidence and to come out with an agreement that gives you what is most important to you. Contact us today and see how we can help.
Learn more about Divorce Mediation Here – https://reinherzlaw.com/divorce-mediation/