People get divorced for a lot of different reasons. Though most divorces are challenging processes tainted with animosity and bad feelings, there are those couples who are able to walk away from their marriage without a lot of argument and bickering. If that is your situation, you and your soon-to-be-ex may be considering foregoing an attorney entirely and managing your divorce on your own. There are a lot of reasons why that is not a good idea.

You may think that you agree on everything, and there’s a chance that might be true. The truth is that you and your partner may believe that to be the case, and have already come to terms on topics like child support or alimony or who keeps what, and still have issues you haven’t thought of that need to be addressed. You may agree on those things too, but you still need a divorce lawyer to make you aware of them. Things like what to do with your life insurance policy, or whether you each need one to make sure that your kids’ college tuition is taken care of in case something happens to you. Things like how to address college payments, or out-of-pocket healthcare, or braces. An experienced divorce attorney will be able to walk you through all of the things that you haven’t thought of. You may still agree, but you still need the help.

You also are going to need help with the complexities of the divorce filing. Your premarital paperwork may only have required that you got a marriage license, but it’s a lot harder to break that contract then it is to establish it. Not only is there a long list of forms to be filed, but they need to be completed correctly in order to ensure that you don’t run into trouble down the road. An experienced divorce attorney can help – and save you the time and headaches of figuring it out too. They already know exactly what needs to be done.

If you’re concerned about the costs of hiring a divorce attorney or are worried that they will try to talk you out of what you’ve agreed to, then keep this in mind. If you do in fact agree to everything, hiring a divorce attorney will not represent a significant amount of money and will make the process go smoothly and quickly. If your agreement is unfair to either of you, then you need an outside voice to let you know that and to stand up on your behalf and make sure that you know what your rights and options are. Working with an experienced divorce attorney is the best way to make sure that you are getting what you want and need, even if you think you don’t need a lawyer!

Contact our experienced divorce attorneys today!


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