Gloucester County Mortgage Modifications Attorney

When you applied for your mortgage and were approved, you were confident that you would be able to meet your commitment and make your payments in a timely way. But then life got in the way and you found yourself unable to keep up. Though it may feel like you’re caught in a trap, there is a solution available – a loan modification. When you work with a Gloucester County mortgage modifications attorneys from Reinherz Law, we will help you to find a way back to being able to make your payments. We are committed to helping negotiate a workout process that will make a real difference, and put you back on the back to being able to hold onto your home.

Approaching your mortgage company to seek a modification can be intimidating – it feels like even asking for this type of consideration might get you into trouble. But the experienced Gloucester County mortgage modifications attorneys at Reinherz Law understand the law, and we know that it is in the lender’s interests to keep you in your home rather than foreclosing. We will sit down with you to understand what your exact needs are, then work with the lender to determine their criteria for a loan modification. The process is complex and arduous, but we can help you through it, gathering all necessary financial documents and doing the research and administrative work needed to help you through it.

There are a number of different things that can make a mortgage modification challenging. One of these is the fact that your loan may no longer be owned by your original lending institution, as mortgages are often bought and sold by financial institutions. Your property must be in livable condition and must be your primary residence, and if you have already gone through a mortgage modification on a loan, you may not be able to negotiate another modification. The Gloucester County mortgage modification attorneys at Reinherz Law will walk you through all of these details so that we fully understand your circumstances and are best able to provide you with legal counsel and representation. We will also make sure that you understand that mortgage modification has certain disadvantages, including the potential of lowering your credit score. If you are intent on preserving your credit rating then we can help you to find the option that will best help you to accomplish that goal.

At the Gloucester County mortgage modification law firm of Reinherz Law, we understand that you need relief from your debt, and we are here to help you find the best option and to provide you with the legal guidance and representation that you need in order to get that done. Call our office today to set up an appointment to review your financial circumstances and find your best debt relief strategy.

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