Bankruptcy is a legal tool that was created to help both individuals and other entities escape from the burden of debts that they are unable to pay. Though bankruptcy filings do not specifically require the involvement of an attorney, in most cases working with a bankruptcy lawyer can make the process go much more smoothly and will ensure that you get all of the advantages possible from your filing. It will also protect you from making potentially costly errors. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy and need advice from a qualified professional, contact the Philadelphia bankruptcy lawyers at Reinherz Law today.


Millions of Americans have filed for bankruptcy, yet it is still a mysterious process to many. The law surrounding bankruptcy can be complicated, and as a result many who attempt to go through the process without benefit of an attorney, or pro se, end up making mistakes that either affect their rights or delay the process. Though there is a great deal of information available online, much of it is wrong, and the employees of the bankruptcy court (including the judges) are barred from providing you with any kind of legal advice. That is why it makes so much sense to seek counsel from an experienced Philadelphia bankruptcy lawyer who has spent years studying the law and assisting other clients in the same predicament that you now find yourself in. The bankruptcy attorneys from Reinherz Law can help you in a number of ways, including:


  • Analyzing the specifics of your situation and advising you as to whether filing for bankruptcy is appropriate for you.
  • Helping you determine which chapter of bankruptcy makes the most sense and will provide you with the greatest short term and long term benefit.
  • Examining all of your debt and explaining which can and cannot be discharged.
  • Explaining all of the ramifications of filing for bankruptcy, including the potential loss of your home, your automobile, or any other property on which you owe debt.
  • Explaining the tax ramifications of filing for bankruptcy.
  • Advising you on your money management and paying your bills during the bankruptcy process.
  • Making sure that you understand the bankruptcy laws and procedures.
  • Preparing all paperwork, documentation and filings.
  • Fielding phone calls from creditors.


Many bankruptcy petitioners who make the decision to proceed without benefit of an attorney believe that they will be granted a level of forgiveness if they do not fully understand bankruptcy law, but the courts take a dim view of this attitude, and expect all who file to know and follow all of the rules and procedures. Working with the Philadelphia bankruptcy lawyers at Reinherz Law ensures that all of your paperwork will be filed correctly and will meet all deadlines. You will be fully prepared for every step of the process, and have the confidence that the decisions that you make about your filing are in your best interest. Call us today to get the advice and representation that you need.

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