Ask anybody who has been through a challenging divorce about the day that they finally separated from their ex and they’re likely to say they felt a huge burden lift from their shoulders. Even those who express a sense of sorrow over their marriage ending also acknowledge the physical separation as an important day that represented the start of a new phase in their lives. For those who are contemplating a divorce in these days of quarantine and coronavirus, there is much less of a chance to have that landmark day come any time soon. Many already-unhappy couples are finding themselves forced to remain together with no place to escape to. The pain and drama of their crumbling relationship are being exacerbated by being together 24/7, as well as the stress of job furloughs or losses, children being home and requiring constant attention, and the fears of the virus itself.

If this is the situation that you find yourself in, divorce professionals are suggesting that you use this time to evaluate your situation and determine whether divorce is truly what you want. You may discover that in times of stress, your spouse steps up in a way that makes you think better of them, making it worthwhile to work out existing problems and try to stay together. On the other hand, the quarantine may make divorce something you may want even more passionately. With courts closed around the country, you are going to have to wait, but that does not mean that you can’t get started on collecting pertinent financial records and, depending upon your specific situation, even speaking to your spouse about what your divorce could or should look like.

The stress of the quarantine may lead the two of you to be open and honest about the state of your marriage and the need for you to divorce. If that is the case, then mediation may provide you with a way to expedite the situation and reduce the costs involved. Mediation can help you avoid going to court entirely or significantly shorten the period of time that it takes to accomplish your goals. It may even be possible to pursue mediation via Zoom or other virtual tools, giving the two of you the possibility of coming out of quarantine already divorced – or close to it – and ready to start your new lives.

For more information, contact the Reinherz team today!


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