When you’re so unable to pay off your debts that you are considering filing for bankruptcy, it makes sense to think that a bankruptcy attorney is money you don’t need to spend. After all, the internet has all the information that anybody needs to go through the process, right?

The truth is that even though there is no legal requirement that you use a bankruptcy attorney, there is a lot more to the process than just filling out some forms. Bankruptcy attorneys provide services and a degree of knowledge and expertise that makes their fees well worth the money.

Here is something to consider. Only a small percentage of people who file for bankruptcy do so without the benefit of a bankruptcy attorney. Of those who filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2017, only 66.7% were successful in having their debts discharged. Compare that to the 96.2% who were successful after using an attorney. The statistics for successfully getting a Chapter 13 bankruptcy approved are even more notable: Those who did not use an attorney were only successful 2.3% of the time, while those who used an attorney were successful 41.5% of the time.

When you decide to use a bankruptcy attorney, their fees cover far more than shuffling and filling out some papers. From the first moment that they meet with you, your lawyer will be reviewing your case to determine whether bankruptcy is the right route for you to take, or whether other options might give you a better outcome in the short term and the long term. A bankruptcy attorney will make sure that your paperwork is filled out correctly and completely and filed according to deadline, and they will also represent you in court.

The truth is that no matter how straightforward a bankruptcy filing may seem if you read a do-it-yourself guide, it is a complex area of the law. That’s why only one in three people who file for Chapter 7 on their own end up with the results that they’re looking for, and only one in 50 who file for Chapter 13.

If you are uncertain as to whether or not to pursue bankruptcy, an experienced attorney will be able to give you straightforward guidance unique to your situation, as well as explaining the process and letting you know exactly what to expect. To speak with one of our compassionate bankruptcy attorneys, contact us today to set up  an appointment.

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