Philadelphia, PA Divorce Law – A 101 Guide
Every marriage starts out with the best intentions and hopes for the future, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out. If you and your spouse have come to the difficult decision to end your marriage, it is important that you know Philadelphia PA divorce law so that you will know what to anticipate and expect. Though some divorce proceedings are straightforward and simple, others can be complicated by the challenges of dividing up property and negotiating child custody arrangements. If you are considering a Philadelphia, PA divorce, the compassionate attorneys at Reinherz Law can help you navigate all of the legal requirements and help you get through it quickly and easily.
The state of Pennsylvania provides for two different kinds of divorce: No-fault and fault-based. In most situations, couples wishing to end their marriage choose no-fault divorce, which is easier, less expensive, and does not require as much time in court – in fact, if you and your spouse are in agreement on most matters, you may not need to go to court at all other than to file the appropriate documents. When both parties agree to a no-fault divorce, once the paperwork is filed and three months have gone by, each can file an Affidavit of Consent and a Property Settlement Agreement for the disposition of marital property.
Unfortunately, most divorces encompass some matters of disagreement, and in some cases one party may not want to agree to the divorce. In this case, a divorce filing is unilateral, and it is required that the couple be living separate and apart from one another for a minimum of two years before the divorce can be completed. In other situations a couple may agree that a divorce is appropriate but may disagree on the proper way to divide up their marital assets such as their home, any pensions, stocks and bonds, furniture, automobiles, bank accounts and more. The state of Pennsylvania has provided guidelines for equitable distribution of this property designed to keep things fair, and many factors come into play, including the length of the marriage, each spouse’s earnings potential and source of income, each spouse’s contributions to the purchase of marital property or the other’s education, the value of the property, and more.
Issues of ownership and money, as well as matters relating to child support and child custody, are what make getting a Philadelphia, PA divorce particularly difficult. These challenging matters are often best resolved with the help of attorneys who have experience in negotiating terms that are agreeable or who can represent your best interests in court if an agreement cannot be reached. The Philadelphia law firm of Reinherz Law has been helping individuals with their divorce filings and proceedings for many years. Whether you are looking for initial information about the process and what it entails, need somebody to help you file for divorce, or need to modify a child support or custody order, our experience representing those seeking a Philadelphia PA divorce means that you are in knowledgeable, empathetic hands. Call us today to set up an appointment.
Learn more about Philadelphia PA Divorce Law here –