Protecting Your Mental Health During Divorce
Divorces that are drama-free are rare, and even if you’re the spouse who initiated the process, the experience can be painful and emotionally damaging. Getting through the process with your mental health intact is a challenge, but the tips below can help you through it. The overriding idea is to be kind to yourself: You are going through a traumatic event – and so is your partner – be forgiving of yourself when you make mistakes, and try to offer your spouse the same grace if you can.
- Understand that you are going to be on a constant emotional rollercoaster. The more prepared you are for feeling both happy and sad, frustrated and hopeful, the less those highs and lows will exhaust you.
- Stop allowing the future to frighten you. The fact that you don’t have all the answers can be frightening, but it can also be exciting. Try to remain optimistic and remember that most of the things that you worry about will not happen.
- Stop expecting too much of yourself. It is okay to give yourself a break, conserve your energy and lower your output levels while you are going through big things. If you try to power through and do too much, you are going to feel overwhelmed. Anybody would.
- Allow your friends and family members to help. Being a stoic and going it alone only makes things harder. Your support network wants to be there for you, and you should let them. Something as simple as going out for a cup of coffee and talking about what is happening can go a long way towards relieving your stress.
- Don’t forget to take care of yourself physically. Exercising is important to both your body and your mind, and so is eating nutritious foods and getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis. The healthier you are the better you will feel, and the more clear-minded you will be when it comes to making big decisions.
- As tempting as it may be to fight over every little thing, take a deep breath and think about whether you really want what you’re arguing for, or just want to win. Applying perspective will help eliminate some of the tension.
- Take up some new hobbies. By investing mental energy into learning something new, you will stop yourself from obsessing over what is happening with your divorce.
Divorce is not easy, but the process can be much less stressful if you are working with an experienced, compassionate attorney. Contact our office today to set up a time to meet.