If you’re so deeply in debt that you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, opting out of hiring an attorney may seem like a smart and practical choice. After all, why spend money on a legal action that you can probably look up online, right?

The truth is that once you get to the particulars of your personal situation, bankruptcy filings are far more complex than you’re likely to see on any how-to page. Additionally, there are limits to how much a bankruptcy attorney is permitted to charge. Here are our top reasons for why you should hire a bankruptcy lawyer.

  • Identifying whether your qualify for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy requires experience and some complicated calculations. An experienced bankruptcy attorney will be able to immediately help you assess which is most appropriate for you, and explain the implications.
  • A bankruptcy attorney is highly familiar with the paperwork and associated deadlines required for a bankruptcy proceeding. Most of the bankruptcy filings that are denied are occur when people represent themselves, and result from misfiled paperwork, improperly filed paperwork, or deadlines that have been missed.
  • Dealing with creditors is an intimidating but necessary aspect of a bankruptcy proceeding. Though a filing will automatically prevent them from continuing to pursue your outstanding debts, you will still need to communicate with them about your discharge. A bankruptcy attorney will take care of that for you, representing your best interests and standing up for your rights.
  • Not only is there a limit to how much an attorney can charge you for bankruptcy representation, but in the long run using one will probably end up saving you money. This may sound counterintuitive, but your attorney’s familiarity with the process will translate into you not having to spend your valuable time or money doing research, and you won’t end up spending extra time having to correct mistakes. They’ll get it right the first time, and it will be done efficiently.

When you work with an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that your case is in the hands of people who are knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated to putting you on the road to financial recovery. To get a sense of what a bankruptcy proceeding will involve and cost, get in touch with our experienced firm today.

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